“Do not be afraid” are the words of the angel to the shepherds who were watching over their flock at night. In the Old Testament, almost all angelic appearances are accompanied by the exhortation not to be afraid, for fear is a natural response to the holiness and greatness of God. However, in the Gospels, this fear has often given way to an intimate relationship, centered on God’s deep and warm love, but also on his awesome power.

Like those shepherds in the Nativity story, shaken and awakened from their sleep by a frightening spiritual experience, who were moved to witness the most healing and comforting event in human history, let us too go to the manger to contemplate the Christ Child.
Let us bring with us all the frightening news and images we see in the world around us. May the newborn Child of Christmas give us the courage to be peacemakers, as the beautiful prayer attributed to St. Francis of Assisi says: “Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.”
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2025!
Brother Benny Vincent, OFMCap.
Provincial Minister
Friday, December 13, 2024
